
What's At the Festival

Here's all the things to do!

Know Before You Go

A busy Ukulele group

Aunty Aloha's Ukulele Corner:
Ukulele music - instantly recognizable as being 'island style.'

Learn to play with our free 'loaners' and helpful volunteer teachers. It only has four strings so it's an easy intro for all ages to play music.

Join the Kanakapila (jam session!) If you play, bring your uke (or borrow one of ours) and join in. It's island style, all are welcome.

This year's schedule:

2023 Aunty Aloha Schedule
Girl making card with Polynesian designs

Keiki Activities:
Free 'Make and Take' crafts for keiki (kids) of all ages! Drop by to see what's offered this year.

This year's schedule:

2023 Aunty Aloha Schedule
learn a hula - all ages

Hale Mana'o:
The 'House of Knowledge' has lots of learning and participation opportunities for you to experience!

Storytellers, cooking demonstrations, hula lessons, lei customs and how to string them...you never know what this year may bring. SO many things to learn and do!

This year's schedule: 2023 schedule

2023 schedule

Taste the Islands:
Sample the cuisines and local favorites of the people of Hawaii and the South Pacific!

The crossroads of the Pacific meet in Hawaii and island foods truly show the contributions of many cultures.

This year's eating:

Overview of shopping
Island Marketplaces:
Oh the shopping! The Marketplaces feature island and 'island lifestyle' arts, fine arts, crafts, clothing, home decor, and more! Traditional or modern, it's all there.

Enjoy exploring the South Pacific's unique and refreshing designs...so many choices!

Check out our vendor list so you can plan your route through our 3 Marketplaces. And yes, we do have ATMs onsite as some only take cash.

This year's shopping:
link to Lakeside Vendor list

link to Middle & Mountain vendor list

Family checking out display for Hawaiian voyaging canoes

Ohana Village:
Talk to a variety of not-for-profit organizations ranging from from social and sports clubs to educational groups ready to introduce you to resources in the community.

Displays are fun to explore and talk about with the exhibitors. (There's no selling.)

And don't forget the outriggers! Look for the canoe displays!

This year's explorations: link to Ohana Village
Hula group

Two stages offer a variety of performances featuring music and dance from Hawai'i and the South Pacific.

We post the schedules for Lakeside and Mountain stages so you can plan to enjoy the energy and beauty of each cultures' performance.

This year's schedules:

Saturday Performance Schedule

Sunday Performance schedules

General Information:

  • Information Stations are located at entrances on Rio Salado. They have programs containing performance schedules, a map of the Festival grounds and more. Get your questions answered here.

  • 'Lost Parents!' Also get a free wristband for your child in case your little ones lose you! Write your name and phone number so we can reunite you easily.

  • Location and Maps:
    Plan your Festival arrival with info on where the Tempe Beach Park is located, how to use Light Rail or the Streetcar to get there, and where to look for parking in the nearby garages if you drive.
  • Find your way around the Festival with our handy map!

Lost Parents

Map of Tempe with Beach Park marked


Web Problems? Email us!       2024 Arizona Aloha Festivals, Inc      Last Page Update: March 1, 2024 9:16 PM